Leo’s Blog
Recommended Cables, Adapters, and Accessories
Recommended Cables, Adapters, and Accessories I am often asked for recommendations on speaker cables, XLR cables, RCA cables, and so on. Hence I created this blog post with my most frequent recommendations below. RCA Cables Most commonly an RCA cable with male connectors on both ends is used. Here are some options: https://amzn.to/3Qj3LjS — 3 ft – pair https://amzn.to/40WCBEk —
Starkrimson Stereo Ultra 2.5
Starkrimson Stereo Ultra 2.5 This blog post describes the changes to Rev 2.5 of the Starkrimson Stereo Ultra, which also includes the DMC model. Rev 2.5 of the amplifier has a built-in RCA to XLR converter. The amplifier can now be used with both RCA and XLR sources. The below image shows the rear panel of the rev 2.5 amplifier.
Starkrimson Amplifiers FAQ
What are some preamps that you recommend? I have had multiple customers report being happy with one of the following:— Benchmark LA4 — Topping Pre90 — Gustard X26 — SMSL HO200If you are specifically looking for a tube or hybrid preamp, here are some options that customers have reported work well: — Schitt Freya+ — Black Ice preamps — Rogue
Digital Room Correction (DRC) with Volumio
Please watch the video below to see how to accomplish digital room correction (DRC) in your setup with the PecanPi Streamer or the PecanPi+ Streamer. Please note this DRC will not apply to the SPDIF input, I will do another video on how to apply DRC to the SPDIF input in the future. Also, note this process only looks at the basics, there
Starkrimson® Stereo Ultra 2.0
Version 2.0 of the Starkrimson Stereo Ultra is all about power. Orchard Audio had a custom power supply developed to specifically work with our Starkrimson Ultra gallium nitride (GaN) amplifier modules. These new SMPS1K2 -SKU power supplies are developed and manufactured by Micro-Audio. Upsides Purchase – Starkrimson Stereo Ultra 2.0 Pictures are Worth 1000 Words… Here is what the power supplies look like next to
PecanPi vs PecanPi+
PecanPi vs PecanPi+ Both DACs use Orchard Audio’s proprietary filtering topology and class AB headphone output buffers. Both DACs also have S/PDIF inputs and utilize an ultra-low jitter clock to effectively eliminate jitter. The major difference between the two boards is the DAC chip that is utilized (see more on this below). What are Customer Saying? Based on all the
Orchard Audio at 2023 Florida Audio Expo
The 2023 Florida Audio Expo was my first “real” show. It was a great experience for me on multiple fronts. Setup The below image shows the setup of the Orchard Audio room. There were two systems:1. PecanPi Streamer –> Starkrimson Stereo Ultra –> Soundfield Audio M1V2 Speakers (outside)2. PecanPi Streamer –> Starkrimson Mono Amps –> Soundfield Audio Obelisk B7 Speakers (inside)Both systems used cables from Triode Wire Labs to connect everything together.A
Starkrimson Stereo Ultra Goes On US Tour
A Rev 1.0 Starkrimson Stereo Ultra ($2900 configuration) amplifier is currently touring the US. Everybody is welcome to join in.Update:As of 04/01/2023, the tour amplifier is Rev 1.0 Starkrimson Stereo Ultra dual mono with capacitor upgrade ($3500 configuration). How does it work? You are responsible only for the costs of properly packaging and shipping the amplifier to the next person in line.As
Orchard Audio to Present at Speakerfest 2022
I am proud to announce that we will present at the 2022 Speakerfest in Phoenix, AZ. Orchard Audio will have three (3) audio demo setups at the event.Setup 1:Floor standing speakers (ELAC Uni-Fi Reference UFR52), driven by the Starkrimson® Stereo Ultra amplifier with the PecanPi® Streamer as the source.Setup 2:Bookshelf speakers (ELAC Uni-Fi Reference UBR62), driven by the Starkrimson Mono amplifiers with
Amplifier Placement
Many people talk about speaker placement, and I agree this is very important. However, amplifier placement is also important. Why? It affects the damping factor at the speaker’s terminals. Why is damping factor important? The damping factor of an amplifier tells you how well it can control the load. In this case, the load is a speaker. As an example
How To Calculate Audio System Noise
Product specifications often list the signal-to-noise ratio, sometimes written as “SNR” or “S/N,” but what does it mean? While the math behind SNR is technical, the concept is not, and this value can impact a system’s overall sound quality. SNR compares the level of a signal to the level of noise. In other words, it compares the ratio between the
PecanPi/PecanPi+ DAC/Streamer FAQ
Streamer Questions: 1. Can an external DAC be used with the PecanPi Streamer?Yes. An external DAC can be connected to any USB port on the streamer. This will disable the streamer’s internal DAC. 2. What XLR to RCA adapters or cables can I use?The adapter must have pin 3 floating on the XLR side. This is a very good XLR to RCA
How Much Amplifier Power Do I Need?
I cannot tell you the number of times I have heard a conversation about amplifier power go like this: “I hear that B&W speakers need at least 400W,” or, “I heard that Paradigm speakers are very power-hungry.” The fact is, there IS a way to figure out how much power your speakers will need and how to pair an amplifier with the speakers
What is a DAC and why do I need/want one?
Want better sound quality from your phone/laptop/tablet/MP3 player? You need a dedicated DAC. What is a DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter)? All data/media on your phone/computer/tablet is stored in a digital format (comprised of 0s and 1s). This includes all of your audio files (FLAC, mp3, AIFF, etc), and streaming audio (TIDAL, Qobuz, Spotify, etc). A DAC takes the digital data and